I regained my health, dropped 12 kilos and all my diabetes medicines; thanks to FFD

  • Name- Mr. C. R. Satish 
  • Age- 44 years
  • Profession- CA, Ernst & Young
  • Place - Bengaluru

With a long-running family history of diabetes, I knew I was susceptible to the disorder. My grandmother was diabetic, as are my mother and my uncles. Their experiences have given me a first-hand view of the problems that diabetes brings, and every day I prayed I would remain free from it.

Unfortunately in 2017, I too succumbed to diabetes. I was prescribed oral medication—Metformin 1000mg twice a day. Despite the medicine, my condition kept getting worse. At its peak, my HbA1c reached 8.6. Which is far above the normal limit of 6.5.

 In time, diabetes also brought other complications: I suffered from continuous fatigue, loss of balance, and burning feet. Every day brought an unpleasant surprise. I longed to be able to get rid of my medicines and be healthy again, but everyone I spoke to, including the doctor, said that diabetes was a chronic disease and I would be on medicine for life. It was very depressing.

Luckily one of my cousins knew about FFD and advised me to check out their programs. I did some online research and was very surprised at my findings. The Pune-based organization has to date helped more than 12000 diabetics completely reverse their diabetes! And the program was held online, which was a big relief, as I was based in Bangalore.

Mr. C. R. Satish 

I attended their Discover Reversal Session (DRS) conducted by the founder Dr. Pramod Tripathi and was very impressed with his knowledge and manner. I immediately signed up for their year-long diabetes reversal program.

The program, which is based on four protocols (diet-exercise-inner transformation-medical), is well structured in phases that take one through the reversal stages.

Each participant is assigned a dedicated team comprising a doctor, diet expert, exercise expert, inner transformation expert, and full-fledged support staff. I followed the protocols stringently and the results soon showed. My BSL started moving down and soon entered the normal range, where, I am happy to say, it has remained.

As a bonus, I also lost a lot of excess weight. When I began the program in July 21, I was around 76kg; by Dec 21, this had dropped down to 64kg. Later in the program, I went on a muscle-gain phase and now I am around 67kg. Everyone says I look confident, lean, and fit. Well, that’s exactly how I feel.

Not only am I fit, but I am also full of energy too. I hit the gym in the morning for about 1.5 hours 5 – 6 days a week. My diet plan is the same as advised by my diet expert. It’s not just nutritious but tasty too. Which makes it easy to stick to. I am deeply thankful to Dr. Pramod for coming up with this wonderful Diabetes Reversal program, it saved my health and has brought new happiness to my life, and so many others.

Reverse Diabetes